Monday, September 28, 2009

John Calvin

"And yet it is not so terrified by the awareness of his judgment as to wish to withdraw, even if some way of escape were open. But it embraces him no less as punisher of the wicked than a benefactor of the pious. For the pious mind realizes that the punishment of the impious and wicked and the reward of life eternal for the righteous equally pertain to God's glory. Besides, this mind restrains itself from sinning, not out of dread of punishment alone; but, because it loves and reveres God as Father, it worships and adores him as Lord. Even if there were no hell, it would still shudder at offending him alone."

--John Calvin, Institutes, Book 1 ch. 2

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Magnus Liber Organi

Natus Est Rex

A king is born
of the Virgin Mary,
salvation of the world,
the way of eternal life,
whom the undefiled and pious mother
brought forth.

O what joy goes forth
into the church
by reason of this birth,
the presence of Christ
and his grace
and grace.

He causes
heavenly joy.
They are destined
for the land.
The entrance is laid open.
the enemy is broken.

The entry
is restored.
The king, born
in a manner becoming to man,
gives entry
and, lost
and abandoned
to generation,
man is set free.

The world praises
a new king
with song
of new melodies.
He has brought us out
from the pool of darkness
and weight
of lingering woes.

Adam, whom the enemy
weakened and deceived,
had lost the kingdom
which God had given him,
and his grace
and grace.

He causes...

Now the words
of the prophets are fulfilled,
for unto us
a child God
is born,
as was testified by the holy scriptures,
for in his death
is the salvation of our souls....

First Adam
brought us to death.
Then he
returned us to life.
He has blessed the flesh,
taken on in a wondrous fashion,
he who is seated at the right hand
of the Father.

Because he has restored admittance
lost by the taste
It was neither a debt
nor our merit,
but only grace
and grace.

He causes....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Lammas Ladymass

O quam glorifica

O how thou glitterest with glorious radiance,
virgin Mary, royal offspring of the tribe of David,
sitting exalted above
all the celestial beings of the empyrean.

Thou, chaste mother with virginal honor,
hast with thy holy womb prepared
the breast's palace for the lord of angels;
hence Christ is born, God incarnate,

whom the whole worshipping world adores,
before whom now every knee is rightly bent,
and from whom we beg, when though comest,
the casting out of darkness and the joys of light.

Grant this, father of all light,
through your own son by the Holy Spirit
who lives with you in bright heaven,
reigning and ruling forevermore.

--Translation: Ernest H. Sanders (v.1-3) and Susan Hellauer (v.4)

Agnus dei

Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world,
grant us peace.

Glory to God in the Highest

"I uttered: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. Lord, I have fled to Thee, teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God, For Thou art the fountain of life. In Thy light we shall see light."
--Vespers: Glory to God in the Highest

Blessed Art Thou O Lord

The Resurrection Evlogitaria is chanted at every Sunday Matins.

Blessed art thou, O Lord,
teach me thy statutes.
The assembly of angels was amazed
to see thee numbered among the dead,
Thou who hadst destroyed the might of death,
O Saviour,
and who hast raised up Adam with Thyself,
and who hast freed all men from Hades.
Blessed art thou, O Lord,
teach me thy statutes.
Why do ye mingle myrrh with tears of compassion,
O ye women disciples?
The radiant angel in the grave addressed the myrrh-bearing women:
Behold the grave and exult, f
or the Saviour hath arisen from the sepulcher.
Blessed art thou, O Lord,
teach me thy statutes.
At early morn the myrrh-bearers hastened to thy sepulcher with lamentation;
but an angel came to them and said:
The time for sorrow is ended;
weep no more. And tell the Apostles of the Resurrection.
Blessed art thou, O Lord,
teach me thy statutes.
The myrrh-bearing women came with myrrh unto thy tomb, O Saviour,
and they heard an angel saying unto them:
Why do ye count the Living among the dead?
For, as God, he is risen from the sepulcher.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
We worship the Father and his Son and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity,
one in Essence, and we cry out with the seraphim:
Holy, Holy, Holy are Thou, O Lord!
Now and ever and unto the ages of ages.
By giving birth to the Giver of Life, O Virgin,
thou didst rescue Adam from sin,
and thou didst grant Eve joy instead of sorrow;
for the God and Man who was incarnate of thee guided back to life
him that had fallen away therefrom.
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia,
glory to thee, O God!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia,
glory to thee, O God!
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia,
glory to thee, O God!