Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Homily on the Love of God (Man 19)

They ran impetuously along the way of sorrows, bearing the torments of their own hearts. They crucified their members and passions contentedly. They drank the bitterness of gall with pleasure. Beloved! You robbed them of everything, even their own selves. They felt no longer alive, for it was you who lived in them... When harships surrounded them on every side, they no longer sought to be exempted from them. Instead, they asked for more sufferings, they pleaded for the patience to endure them for their Beloved's sake.
These people were drunk with love. When they heard their Beloved say, "Blessed are those who mourn now," they could not stop mourning.
What mourning! The man's heart would ignite with love, would explode with living water! When his knees could no longer support him in his prayer he fell on his face. Trying to stand up, he would fall down again. His eyes streamed with flaming tears, burning his cheaks with their fire and flowing down on the earth to purge it from its curse.
How shall I describe to you, divine love! You have elevated the human soul and seated her in the light of her Maker. You have washed her until she looked like her Master. The loving soul tamed the wildest beasts; they saw in her the image of her Maker, they could breathe his heavenly fragrance.
It is not only wild beasts who submitted to the [saintly] human soul, but even demons were terrified at seeing her illumined with love. They fled when they saw in her the image of God's authority. ---St. John of Dalyatha, Homily on Love and the Love of God, in "The Homilies of the Spiritual Elder [John of Dalyatha]," Manuscript 19.

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