Sunday, December 12, 2010

"These proceedings have been ironic, perplexing, unnerving, inspiring, and restorative.
how ironic that the guy I liked ended up liking my best friend
how perplexing his lack of communication, his cloak which inhibited my ability to read him
how unnerving that he never outwardly gave me a chance, that I questioned if he even was interested in being my friend
how inspiring that I learned that I'm good enough and that I don't need a guy - that this isn't the greatest desire of my heart
how restorative that I am nearer to the music than I've ever been before, that I have new confidence, which if used for the Lord's glory will brighten my unique reflection of Him"

- From a good friend's journal June 6th (yes we read the other's journals from time to time).

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