Saturday, March 24, 2007


---Sarah Abbett
The world is full of dark today
The light draws ever dim
Yet you know what the wise say
'Tis always darkest before dawn'

The world is full of dark
The light grows precious
All that glitters is not gold
And all that glistens is not Light

My dearest friend, draw nearer me
And listen while we pray
To the wind that beats against the house
In the winter night outside

The night is cold
The Dark is deep
But we have each other
No force can sunder us, not even in this weather

The Light is precious
For the world is Dark
And moveth towards the Dark
Yet the Light liveth still

Do not ever give up
Do not ever give in
They say nothing gold ever lasts
I know that to be false

For you and I will last forever
In the light and grace of God
We'll dance on the streets of gold together
And remain there ever more

The world is Dark
The Light is precious
And the Dark grows darker yet
Be not afraid of the Dark

The Dark is frightening
The Dark is evil
The Dark is not for friends
The Dark shall not last

The Light is comforting
The Light is good
The Light has many friends
The Light shall last forever

This is how you shall know
Light from Dark my friend
Be ye not afraid
For the Dark shall one day end


Anonymous said...

That's spelled Abbett, my friend. :)

Catz206 said...

Please FORGIVE me your grace! I shall change it immediately.